UHP water jetting is the most powerful and effective method of removing redundant products in large tanks and pipe lines as well as being used to eliminate concrete. The high pressure is powerful enough to easily remove concrete by cutting through the Matrix whilst leaving behind the reinforcing. This can then be reused for the next stage of the project, improved, or removed completely.
UHP water jetting promises high pressure cleaning without damaging the structure and by a minimum usage of water. UHP water jets do not require high heat like other cleaning methods. High heat may be dangerous so our water jets are the best choice for projects.
Ultra-high pressure water jetting (or water blasting) is often preferred to high pressure water jetting or more traditional cleaning methods as it is able to deep clean the surface or remove coatings with a minimal of water consumption and therefore a minimum of waste produced

We have specialised in UHP water jet cleaning since 1984 and have the ability to fulfil any project no matter how large or small. We can provide you with a detailed quote for your project including water disposal or treatment with many case studies to support our methods including projects ranging from £1000 to £1,000,000.
Our UHP jetting team will be fully protected using the latest TST suits from Sweden, especially adapted visors and bespoke water jetting boots. Being awarded gold investors in people, we have the best trained operatives in the industry.
Call 0121 7069 801 or email us at enq@sabrejetting.co.uk for a comprehensive quote and to discuss how we will tackle your upcoming project.
We are always happy to make new connections,
so if you wish to work with us or simply want more information regarding Hydro Demolition, Surface Preparation and Tank Cleaning